Expect the Unexpected
Posted by
Ashley Brennan Cristman
on Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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I've nearly finished up my busy event season, traveling to San Francisco in September, and Atlanta and Chicago in October. It's been a hectic fall (hence the absence of blog posts!). And, in case you haven't heard (or read somewhere), Adam was traded to Kansas City so we'll be moving in a few weeks. The news was a bit of a shock, but that's the way this crazy industry goes. I've learned to expect the unexpected -- definitely keeps us on our toes! I'm fortunate enough to be able to keep my job and work remotely and am looking forward to doing so. Besides work and travel, we've been frantically looking for a new place to live (on the internet) but will hopefully be visiting Kansas soon to see some apartments in person. After Thanksgiving, Adam and I will be traveling from Richmond to Palm Beach for my last conference of the year. I'm sooo looking forward to that because Adam actually gets to go with me this time! We're looking forward to sitting back for a few days, and just soaking everything in...
More visitors!
Posted by
Ashley Brennan Cristman
on Monday, November 10, 2008
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My dad came to visit us this weekend in Mass and we had such a great time. Adam and Dad went to Lexington on Friday while I was at work to copy Paul Revere's ride and on Saturday, we met up with my Aunt Mary to go into Boston. We walked through Chinatown (which I had not seen before) and went to a Blueman Group show. Those guys are crazy -- the show was really great. On Sunday, we were able to go to a Pat's game to watch our buddy Steve. We got to eat dinner with the players afterward and then gave my Dad a tour of the stadium. This is one of those things you take for granted until you're with someone who thinks it's really cool. I'm glad he came :)

Conference Team
Posted by
Ashley Brennan Cristman
on Monday, November 3, 2008
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