It's hard to believe the summer is almost over and that football has already started! This year, Adam decided that a bunch of our family members should create a fantasy football league. So, he promptly set up the league, sent invitations for each member to participate, and scheduled a draft date for the teams. One of my uncles questioned Adam on how we'd pick the order for the draft -- how it'd be fair/how we'd document the process. So, Adam came up with the unique idea of letting our dogs choose the draft order. We wrote out all the team names on small pieces of cardstock and then tied each team to a milk bone. The cardstock pieces were placed, in random order, into a basket with the milk bones and string lined on the floor. One at a time, our dogs were released to make their pick. This was possibly the funniest process thing I've seen in a long time. Adam and I could not stop laughing. We had the NFL theme music playing in the background and Nina and Nixon were definitely taking their jobs very seriously...What was kinda funny was that they ate the milkbones in order, oh and our video camera ran out of juice so the whole draft picking thing isn't even legit! Oh, but it was so worth it :)