4 Month Visit
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on Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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Caroline had her 4 month check-up today. She has grown to 15 pounds 10 ounces (90th percentile) and is almost 27 inches long (97th percentile). She used her time with the doctor to show of her talking skills and even attempted to roll over which fooled the doctor into thinking this was her 6 month check up. Caroline also got her shots which she fussed about for a few minutes but got over it pretty quick. We are adding rice cereal to her diet and working on a little different bed time schedule. All in all we have a happy healthy baby.
The New Camera
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on Saturday, August 21, 2010
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So for our 3rd wedding anniversary Ashley and I decided to go for a group present and upgrade our camera situation. We went with the Canon 7d with a kit lens and also a 50mm f/1.4 portrait lens. So far through day 2 we have taken over 600 pictures, mostly of Caroline. Some those pictures will be appearing tomorrow. Cant wait to use this bad boy more and get some great shots though we have a lot to learn to step up our photography.
Rollie Pollie
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Wednesday marked Caroline's first roll from back to stomach. She has been working on this skill for a while but just couldn't flip all the way over. She was lying on our ottoman while mom was watching her and she swung her right leg over and a little off the edge of the ottoman and used the momentum to flip. She would have continued to roll had mom not been there to catch her. Guess there is no more unsupervised couch time.