Last weekend, we headed down to North Carolina for a most beautiful wedding and fun, fun weekend. Adam and I flew into Chapel Hill and rented a car to drive down to Wilmington...stopping on the way at a phenomenal Mexican restaurant (we haven't found ONE good Mexican restaurant in MA yet). I have never laughed so hard -- Adam was so excited to be eating Mexican food, he ordered almost the entire menu, including HOT stuffed peppers as an appetizer. I took my first and last bite of a pepper and had to drink two gigantic cups of water just to rid myself of the sting. Adam was determined to eat the whole plate -- how he did this, I have no idea, but he definitely paid for it later. Lesson: do not eat an entire plate of stuffed peppers. The wedding took place on the following day, Sept. 13th. The bride and groom were picture-perfect. Brad and Britney's wedding was actually the first I had been to after my own and it couldn't have been more different than ours -- but so sooo much fun. Everybody was dancing -- old, young, strangers...didn't matter. And, it was especially fun because a bunch of our high school friends (that we haven't seen in forever) were there as well as Adam's family. To top Congratulations Brad and Britney and thanks for such a great weekend!

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