Adam and I had the weekend to ourselves this weekend and our plan was to relax and pretend we were somewhere a beach...turns out, that's kind of difficult to do when you're land-locked. But, we made the most of our time and ended up having a pretty productive few days. We ventured out Saturday morning to Kansas City's downtown farmer's market -- for those who live in the area and have not had a chance to check it out, I highly recommend doing so. The last farmer's market I had been to was in Spain and this one took me right back. It's so refreshing to be able to peruse all the fresh produce and people-watch. Needless to say, we came home with more than a few grocery bags full of deliciousness. We're hoping to make it out to the market at least once a month. We spent the rest of the weekend in Home Depot and out by our deck where Adam worked so hard in putting up lattice and a retaining wall structure for the flower bed. Once again, this is a project we thought would take an hour tops...after three days, we're almost done. I'll post a few pictures of that as soon as we finish up! In other very exciting news, Adam and I are finally going to Costa Rica! Those who are close with Adam know that he's been dreaming of taking a trip to Costa Rica for a LONG time. With a little luck finding a cheap rental bungalow and airline tickets, we're finally going to make that happen! Yippee!

what are the dates for CR??
We leave on Sara's birthday (Nov. 27th) and come back Friday, Dec. 11th).
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