Our two weeks in Costa Rica were great. We spent most of our time on the beach enjoying the sand, sun and the surf. Zack and Adam rented boards down on the beach and rode some consistently nice waist-high waves a few days. We would relax and rest and pack our lunches of veggie or peanut butter sandwiches and plenty of fresh fruit. Our bungalow was nestled up on a hill amongst a few other bungalows and a nearby pool. Our A-frame unit was screened in and had enough blinds for privacy and security bars to keep the monkeys from stealing the kitchenware. We woke every morning to beautiful blue skies and monkeys crashing through the trees and fell asleep every night to the sounds of frogs and chirping bugs. Our bungalow was three miles away from the beach down the very hilly main street. Driving on the roads there kept us always on edge. That being said, driving there was pretty easy and as long as we followed signs and were aware of everything around us and generally took it slow, it was a breeze.
After the first week in CR, Zack and Anna left and Ashley and I were itching to see more places that we could take day trips to. We spent nearly a whole day in Dominical, a small surfing town, and enjoyed the laid back lifestyle. The road to Dominical was recently paved and is arguably the best road in CR. It is wide, flat and smooth with no lines and relatively no speed limit, although 100 km/h seemed to do okay (about 62). While in Dominical, I had the chance to rent a surf board for 8 bucks and left Ashley nervously waiting on the beach as I charged out into 6-10 foot waves. I spent an hour and a half out in the water and caught two waves the entire time while dodging the dozen or so that seemed intent on pummeling me into the sand. But man, those two waves were worth it, although Ashley might disagree. Our last few days there we focused on relaxing and taking life slow and left sunny weather in the 80's for 30 degree weather and a foot plus of snow. Costa Rica is definitely a great place to visit and after being there for two weeks in one place, I would definitely recommend the traveling tours that we saw available as well. There is plenty to see and do. Enjoy!
Check out Zack's flickr photos

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