San Diego ZOO

We came across one of those rare weekends in our life where Adam actually had time off, like the WHOLE weekend!!! So Saturday morning we decided to shoot down to San Diego to go to the see and explore the surrounding areas as well. With our hotel reservation set and our plan to get a zoo membership so we could come and go as we pleased we headed south down the coast. Tons of beautiful scenery driving through the Laguna Hills and alongside the Pacific coast we wanted to stop and take pics every mile but we timed our drive with Caroline's nap so that meant no funny business. We arrived for our morning session at the zoo and first order of business was Caroline's favorite animal, the giraffes. The San Diego Zoo has a several neat interactive times with a handful of the animals including feeding the giraffes. So we paid our fare and Caroline got to feed the giraffe, the pictures tell the rest of the story better.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the Mission Beach area and had dinner and an early bedtime at the hotel. The next morning we got up for some breakfast and headed to Sunset Cliffs (We know Sunset Cliffs in the morning?? good job). We headed back to the zoo and saw the other half of the park including the polar bear section and a skyfari tram ride. With Caroline's afternoon nap approaching we grabbed lunch and hopped back in the car to head home.

Moving all over the country has certainly had its drawbacks but getting to explore a new city and what it has to offer has always been something we have enjoyed. Lots more to check out in SoCal and we look forward to sharing it with you.


Sara B. said...

is caroline really touching that giraffe's tongue????

Melissa Vickers said...

ditto to Sara! looove that photo. and so glad to hear that you guys got to go out exploring for a weekend together!